“I was blown away Ashna, the session I experienced, was the single most enlightening I have had.
Thanks – I see ME clearly now!"
Mark Smith - Business Coach
Whilst dealing with my personal challenges, I also had to continue to deal with the challenges of a pressurised corporate job. Ashna’s superb skill to read people came to great use when she helped me develop a stakeholder map of all the key roll players in the corporate structure. This was incredibly valuable to help me understand the personalities of each and the dynamics of the corporate environment. Most importantly, it also helped me navigate a very stressful environment successfully.
I highly recommend Ashna for a wide range of coaching, mentoring and counselling requirements. Given her extraordinary talents, she can no doubt add value to almost any challenge you may find yourself in.
Johan B - Senior Banker
Sarah Gourlie - Executive Coach
“Ashna has channeled accurate information for me to make fundamental shifts in my life. I am bowled away by the process, the integrity and accuracy of her information. I had fun and I feel like I will never be the same. Thank you.”

Marc Strydom – Executive Director Food and Beverage Industry
“Meeting and working with Ashna has without doubt been one of the pivotal experiences of my life.
Ashna has introduced me to a life path that is exceptional and fulfilling beyond words. Everybody that I have introduced to Ashna, cannot believe the positive energy and profoundly enlightening effect she has had on their lives.
I only wish that I met Ashna years ago.”
“Ashna’s ability to communicate with the ‘other side’ is nothing less than astounding! The information is insanely accurate and her ability to judge what belongs to her and what to you ensures that she does not pass on her ‘stuff’. She shares her information and knowledge with such warmth, love and compassion (as well as a good dose of humour) that to say that the sessions with Ashna are ‘life changing’ would be a major understatement. I highly recommend Ashna both as a life coach and psychic – you will never be the same again!!”
Kay Irissou - Human Resources Manager
Claire Bouwer - Administration Manager
“My experiences with Ashna have been incredible and life changing. Ashna has a way about her that makes people feel relaxed, secure and comfortable. She is exceptionally talented, intuitive and gentle in helping me find answers and a clearer direction to go forward in my life’s journey.
If I could I would meet with her every Monday morning to focus on my thoughts, feelings, energies and direction going into the week. I have definitely found a greater and deeper sense of myself through my interactions with Ashna.
Thank you and much love Claire Xxxx”

Kerry Alice – Art Director
“The insights and assurances that Ashna has given me through this work are both profound and healing and I can honestly say that it gave me both the confidence and optimism to shift from my very paralysed position. Her delivery is so compassionate and her intuition is astounding.
She has a true gift that she shares so generously and with so much love.”
Helen Randal – Smith – Intuitive Healer
“I well remember years ago when I first met Ashna. She came to my healing practice and I was immediately struck by her penetrating gaze. As the session progressed, the knowing came to me that here was a woman with an incredible gift, which I urged her to share with the world.
Today, she is this incredible Channel that has helped to heal many who have come to see her. I have had her channel for me on several occasions, and I have felt uplifted, empowered and expansive on each occasion.
I have also had a Regression done by Ashna and I was completely “blown away” with the information that came through. I have had many regressions, but this one was incredible. Ashna does not leave you “hanging” and ensures that what has transpired in a session has been fully integrated.
Ashna has the most amazing gifts that she utilizes to help others in their evolvement and spiritual growth.”

"Ashna has the most amazing gifts that she utilizes to help others in their evolvement and spiritual growth.”
Donné van Wyk – Senior Executive
“The coaching sessions with Ashna are always very precious to me as they are insightful and honest.
Ashna, through her gift, her wisdom and life experience has guided me in so many areas of my life from career to relationships, in a calming and authentic way.
I feel that she has a way of directing me to my inner truth without forcing it on me, but helping me find it myself.
I so value my time with Ashna and feel that she has a truly beautiful soul.
I strongly recommend Ashna as a life coach as she has made such a hugely positive impact in my life”

Sandy Pechey (Managing Director)
“Ashna I wish to thank you so much for the session I had with you today. It has left me with a sense of calm and peace which I have not had in a long time. The affirmation which you have given me today of among other things, it is alright to live my life the way I choose to now was actually so empowering to me.
I know that I just have to put in motion my pathway in life.
Thank you again – you are very special. With love Sandy”

"Ashna has an intoxicating personality that just makes you calm down and be relaxed and be open to whatever the universe is there to give to you."
Jane Seaward – Photographer
“The first time I arrived for my first session at Ashna I did not know what to expect. I read she was a life coach on the internet and I desperately needed help. I felt lost, my self confidence gone, lonely, not knowing how to handle being a medium myself and not sure where life was taking me. I was in a very bad space for quite a while.
The first session I attended opened my eyes to so so many things in life, I had the privilege to communicate with my late son through her. She saw so many things in me that I was trying to hide and run away from myself.
I immediately booked the next session and could not wait for every session thereafter. I learned how to gain confidence in myself, see things in different ways, learned to manage being a medium myself and see life through different eyes. I gained more and more confidence with every visit. I learned that meditating is very important in life too, that you have to find your inner self. All this I gained by my visits to Ashna. She made me feel at peace and relaxed and I gained more confidence after each visit”.
Ashna has an intoxicating personality that just makes you calm down and be relaxed and be open to whatever the universe is there to give to you. As life coach and teacher I can recommend her to all. She is just amazing!”

"I cannot recommend Ashna highly enough, she is truly an amazingly talented, compassionate, wise woman with a wicked sense of humour!”
Tersia Engelbrecht – Artist
“From the first moment I laid eyes on Ashna I simply knew I had to meet this woman, somehow…
Ashna became one of my clients at Bryanston Organic Market, it was the start of a lifelong friendship…one day I asked Ashna: “What is it you do for a living?” well the answer came as if my soul already knew it…
Ashna has helped me in so many areas of my life…from dealing with the loss of my father in 2013, to nudging me into taking a leap with my business and even giving the man who wouldn’t take no for an answer a “try”… I couldn’t be happier…I’ve been with Luke for 8 months now, I still miss my dad, but I know that he is right by my side every step of the way and my business…well let’s just say that my days of working tedious markets are almost a thing of the past….
I cannot recommend Ashna highly enough, she is truly an amazingly talented, compassionate, wise woman with a wicked sense of humour!”
Sandi Reabow – Bookkeeper
“Thank you Ashna for teaching me the tools I need to use in my everyday life, in recognising my mind patterns and how to work with them, how to deal with the bullies out there. For helping me to understand who I am and how powerful the mind can be. Your safe, peaceful coaching sessions have allowed me to grow and be the best person that I can be.
Your absolute authenticity, sensitivity and integrity with connecting to my late daughter, Nikki, has given me the peace and answers that I have been searching for, for so long.
I am so grateful to the Universe for giving me a teacher in you and I would recommend your coaching sessions to anyone who is looking to change their lives for the better. You truly are a Life Coach like no other.

"You truly are a Life Coach like no other. "
Melanie-Ann Leviton - Media Sales Manager
“Ashna is a very inspiring coach. She helped me find my inner strength and faith in myself to enable me to work towards my life goals in a very kind yet straight forward manner. She got me thinking of goals I might not have thought realistic in the past, but helped me believe that whatever it is I want to achieve in life, is fully within my power to reach each one of these goals.
I will most definitely keep seeing Ashna on a regular basis to ensure I stay on the ‘right’ track and don’t slip into complacency as one tends to do. I can without a shadow of a doubt recommend Ashna to anyone that might need help in their direction of their life.
The great thing is one doesn’t hover in the past or in one’s hurtful current ‘moments or situations’, but you actually decide where you want to take your life and then start working out the steps backward on how to get there. Ashna is also very easy to communicate with and comes from a very non-judgmental place.
I trust her implicitly and wish her all the best with her coaching.”
Monica L - Doctor
“Dear Ashna, the following is from my heart. I know and have moved in circles of psychics and have come to learn that the one is good with this, the other with that. The reading I did with you was the best and most authentic and honest
experience I’ve ever had! Your reading has changed my life for the better as I followed the advice that was channeled through you and I’ve had remarkable positive experiences since then. Thank you”
“As I drove to Ashna that morning, I very consciously called my guides and in the car out-loud spoke the two main issues I’d like to address: how to deal with the incredible anger (most of it suppressed) I’m experiencing and the great concern I felt for letting my 5yr old daughter go to Europe with her father to his family — I was concerned about her being left at family members with a mentally retarded teenage son.
I have to say that nothing in my demeanor was agitated, angered or anything but pleasant as I arrived; sincerely glad to see this gorgeous woman again after all the years that’s passed. So there is no way Ashna could’ve picked up from my behavior about the issues I’d come to seek clarity on.
Thus, without me telling Ashna any of this, our session began and after some intro explanation on how she worked, the very first words out her mouth are: “we have to do something about all this anger” and a couple of sentences later “there is the soul of a young boy here; he’s fixated with your daughter”.
So within the first five minutes, we opened the conversation with exactly that which I intended to address. This was the first time I saw Ashna in her capacity as ‘messenger of the gods’ (as I’d like to name her work). She had no new information on my life, other than knowing I got married somewhere along the line (I don’t have the same surname).
Further to this, there is also no way that Ashna knew anything about my business, nor that I had a female business partner and she described her so accurately that I was utterly astounded. But, it should be said, for me these things are not something to be proven. I know I have guides, I just wish I could hear them as clearly as Ashna does.
Thank you for having the courage to do your work Ashna.
I love you and hope we will be in each others worlds for the rest of our lives, or for as long as we can add value or lessons to one another. I’ve always known you’re super special, really, I have. "
Lucia R - Director. Image & Design
Dave Shanley - Biokineticist & Lecturer
“Ashna is a genuine and kind soul. She gave me much insight, not only into myself but also into the people around me.
Her sincerity and calmness creates a safe environment in which to question the things one sometimes chooses to avoid. This in turn leads one to find closure on past matters or to find the strength to confront future matters with confidence.
It is a privilege to have met her and her friendship is something I cherish deeply.”
“Ashna’s sincerity and calmness creates a safe environment in which to question the things one sometimes chooses to avoid.”

Amanda Labuschagne – Stylist
“I had the pleasure of meeting Ashna two years ago.
Ashna is one of THE most psychic people I have ever met. She conducts herself in a very professional manner. In our sessions she has picked up on so much detailed information on my life and circumstances that she could not have known otherwise. And this she does so matter-of-factly, as if she is reading a book. Her coaching guidance has been very practical and to the point. She gives very specific suggestions on career, life, love and on a soul level.
Ashna is especially gifted in working with children. She has seen my son of seven, who has ADHD, and he has been a different little boy ever since. Ashna is truly one-of-a-kind and I believe that she will touch the lives of many people in a profound way.”
"Ashna is one of THE most psychic people
I have ever met."
Ursula McDonald - Managing Director
"I highly recommend Ashna’s services. She should be an integral part of every business’ planning and evaluation phases - powerful indeed."
"Ashna has been a personal source of motivation and inspiration on previous occasions, so when I started my own company I welcomed the opportunity for her to integrate her wisdom into my business world. Her advice and guidance to me and my leadership team on various fundamentals related to our business, was not only accurate and effective but her ‘bedside’ manner makes you want to ‘lock her in’ so she can’t ever leave. I highly recommend Ashna’s services. She should be an integral part of every business’ planning and evaluation phases - powerful indeed.
Thank you Ashna!"
"You truly are a Life Coach like no other. "

"I needed an unapologetically honest coach who would force me to grow and develop in order to reach my full potential."
Lynne Bepat - Managing Director
“I found Ashna’s coaching services through a “Google Search” during a point in my life when I needed an unapologetically honest coach who would force me to grow and develop in order to reach my full potential. I’m still on that journey 18 months later… sometimes, all we need is a mirror to reflect back to us what we already know deep within us – she provides you with a safe space to unearth those truths, be mindful about how you choose to act on them and motivates you to become the best version of yourself.
Thank you Ashna, may our friendship continue to grow while I become Lynne 2.0”
Pippa Capstick Co-Founder and Executive Creative Director
"CFJ had a very successful workshop with Ashna. She opened our eyes to so many possibilities for our business. While her intuitive abilities allow her to tap into compatible energies, Ashna revealed things to me about myself that I didn’t recognize on a conscious level.
By explaining my unconscious beliefs, she helped me understand many of the patterns in my life that have blocked my path and potential. Now that I understand these blocks, I have a better understanding of how to overcome them which will help me so much as I build my business. She was also able to help us find the most compatible business opportunities to pursue based on our company’s energy and those of our clients.
My team left feeling excited about the future and hugely motivated to succeed."

Dawn Franke - Creative Director
At first when Ashna explained to me that she would be my mirror, I honestly didn’t know what she meant. But as we spent more time together, I realised that she helped see things in myself that I could not see.
Ashna is like a ‘people whisperer’. She gave me great clarity. I felt very inspired and uplifted when I left. And while I have to admit that I was afraid to go into the session at first, I wish I could have stayed hours longer and will certainly return.
Tracy Fry - Client Service Director
"I highly recommend Ashna’s services. She should be an integral part of every business’ planning and evaluation phases - powerful indeed."
My session with Ashna was a privilege. Thank you for helping me to recognise things deep inside of me that were bothering me. Your passion is contagious and when I left I felt elated. Thank you for affirming my excitement for my new job and reinforcing the quality of the people that I now work with.
Kind regards Tracy

Alinda Spencer - Account Director
"Your business insights and advice on how to move forward were incredibly enlightening and I’ll definitely apply everything you’ve shared with me to make our business more successful. It’s also so reassuring to know that I’m am part of a winning team who are willing to stretch themselves out of their comfort zones to ensure that we succeed as a company."