The dictionary definition of psychic is:
“Relating to the abilities or phenomena that cannot be explained by natural laws,
especially those involving telepathy or clairvoyance.”
Most people make the assumption that psychic ability or mediumship is a power that is not an innate and natural ability, but rather perceive it as a “gift” given only to a select few by the Divine.
My perception is not the same.
Often Psychics are perceived as dangerous crystal ball gazers with ill intent, who possess dark magic skills. Sad really. The majority of Psychics are of the opinion that they are connected to, and in communication with internal spirit guides who have access to higher or deeper wisdom and that they themselves, as psychics, are messengers or channels for this knowledge or information. For many years, during my earlier work, my perception was the same.
I have come to understand however, through my work, studies, meditation and deep training in Zen Buddishm that there is only ONE mind. No mind is separate from any other mind. Your mind IS my mind. It is only the illusion of separateness and identification with our personal ego that we believe we are our own individual identities and minds. In life we ‘play the game’ of being separate or individual people, when in reality, we are ONE.
There is no mystical, hocus-pocus involved in psychic ability. That is Hollywood’s interpretation that sells movie tickets. The work I do in a psychic session is to drop the wall or barrier between my client and myself. Here, my mind meets your mind. Our mind. All information is accessible in this space. It just needs to be tapped into.
When my session is over I pick up my own personality as Ashna and continue to play this game called life.
I reached this level of understanding by spending many, many hours in awake meditation (Zazen), marrying my own mind to the mind of everyone and everything. I continue to practice this awareness every day of my life, as my understanding of what BEING actually means. My learning constantly deepens, evolves and grows. Expanding and supporting every part of the “BIG ME” (being every person in my world), is why I love my work.
“Everywhere you look, there you are.”
Should you be interested in having a session with me, please go to my contact page and e-mail or WhatsApp me. I hold sessions in Johannesburg in person and national or international sessions are held on Google Meet video.
I look forward to hearing from you.